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Kornkreise- Botschaften des Himmels? schöne doku von

The U.S. and ETs by Maurice Osborn

ABOUT MAURICE OSBORN Maurice Osborn is an independent crop circle and UFO researcher. His work was instrumental in bringing about the creation of The Sagan Continuation Project (SCP) by Marshall Masters of The mission of the all-volunteer SCP is to continue the outbound contact efforts of astronomer Carl E. Sagan by using the Internet to repetitively beam a reply message into space via our immense network of communication satellites. THE SAGAN CONTINUATION PROJECT: SENDING CONTACT MESSAGES VIA THE INTERNET FOR FREE The SCP contact message is designed to use the lingua digital of the World Wide Web as the communication medium via communication signals radiating into space, beyond the many communication satellites presently serving the Internet. The 29-word outbound Internet SCP contact message was composed by computer consultant and SCP founder, Marshall Masters at the request of UFO and crop circle researcher, Maurice Osborn. RELATED WEB PAGE: MAURICE OSBORN CREATES A CROP CIRCLE IN ENGLAND USING THE SCP CONTACT MESSAGE In September 2004, Maurice used the SCP contact message to construct a man-made crop circle in England His effort represents a significant milestone in the history of crop circle research, because no institution or government funded his efforts. The message he sent to the stars last August with the help of many volunteers in both England and America, is every bit as sophisticated as the 1974 message, astronomer Carl Sagan beamed into space using the powerful (and expensive) Arecibo telescope. CONTACT MAURICE You can email Maurice at [email protected] for more information about his work and this program

Maurice Earl Osborn explains the Crop Circles


Have you wondered about the possibility of the authenticity of Crop Circles? Have you wondered if they were created by beings from other planets? Did our world governments convince you that the 9,000+ crop circles that have appeared since the early 1980's, were the work of two men dragging bags around crops at night? In Maurice Osborn's Crop Circle audio Visual presentation, which can be viewed from this section of our Camside website, titled "Alien Messages," Maurice will demonstrate how these perfectly formed, amazing, complex, geometrically accurate images, have left humankind with more than just pretty pictures!

Part 2 of his video will divulge that a "Message for Humans" been left, however, this message was changed by governments to deceive us. Maurice exposes the "truth" about the original message. The Star People have show through a special crop circle, that we have little time left to complete our important duties on Earth, as this crop circle shows the first four planetary orbits of our solar system, with planet Earth missing, from its third position orbit!

Alien Messages by Maurice Osborn

The Crop Circle Ship - Blueprints in the Crop Circles

Jeremy Stride -

See how crop circles are showing us how to construct incredible new kinds of technology.

Kornkreise jan Loenders

Jan Loenders ist Vorsitzender der belgischen Vereinigung "De Cirkel VZW". Er organisiert Symposien und Konferenzen zu spirituellen Themen, wie Kornkreise und Mayas und zu den Prophezeiungen rund um das Jahr 2012, aber auch spirituelle Themen wie New-Age-Schulen, Delphinen und dergleichen. Auch äußert er sich über seine Erfahrung mit den Medien, seine Auseinandersetzung mit der Kirche und der Person des Jesus von Nazareth und über indianische Schwitzhütten-Rituale. Über seine ganz speziellen Erlebnisse in Zusammenhang mit den Kornkreisen berichtet er in dem Video. Außerdem erzählt er die Geschichte eines Bekannten, der schon Kontakt mit den Grauen hatte und über Geschehnisse im Zusammenhang mit einem selbst gefertigten Kornkreis

(Dimension Psi)

in Amerika


Die Blume des Lebens ist eines der ältesten Symbole der Menschheit und findet sich an bedeutenden Orten und Kultstätten, wie dem Osiris-Tempel in Abydos, den man auf ca. 6.000 Jahre schätzt, im Grundriss der berühmten Kathedrale von Chartres, im Goldenen Tempel von Amritsar (Indien) und in der verbotenen Stadt Pekings, in den harmonikalen Lehren des griechischen Gelehrten Pythagoras, in den Aufzeichnungen Leonardo da Vincis. Trotz ihrer geometrischen Einfachheit beinhaltet die Blume des Lebens viele Geheimnisse der Mathematik und der religiösen Esoterik. Aus dem Inhalt: - Einführung in die heilige Geometrie - Der goldener Schnitt in der Natur - Kunst und Architektur - Merkabha - Das interdimensionale Gefährt unseres Herzens - Die Bedeutung der platonischen Körper - Heilkristalle - Geomantie und Erdgitternetze - Struktur der Kultstätten

SECRET TV Meinungsbilder - 2012 und Mayakalender

