Musik The Importance of 432hz Music

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Maya kin 9 * Ki & I-Ging Projekt Deutschland 2012 Admin und Dienstanbieter

Posts: 221

Musik The Importance of 432hz Music

from pacal-votan on 01/14/2010 05:05 PM


The Importance of 432hz Music


Article by: Brian T Collins
432hz vibrates on the principals of the golden mean PHI and unifies the properties of light, time, space, matter, gravity and magnetism with biology, the DNA code and consciousness.
432hz Natural Tuning has profound effects on consciousness and also on the cellular level of our bodies.
By retuning musical instruments and using concert pitch at 432 hertz instead of 440 hertz, your atoms and DNA starts to resonate in harmony with the PHI spiral of nature.
The best way to experience the 432hz difference is by listening.

The tracks you are about to hear is my performance of "Silent Night".
The recordings are the same, only the tuning is different.

This was made from One perfomance recorded into the Midi piano plugin "Ivory" so the emotions of the piece remain the same.
I then changed the pitch in Ivory on playback so pitch compression does not take place which can happen when you drop an existing recorded 440hz track into 432hz from programs such as Audacity Etc.

Listen to Silent Night at 432hz Natural Tuning concert pitch

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You will notice you instantly start to feel calm and your body will relax.

Listen to Silent Night at the current concert tuning pitch of 440hz.

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You can easily notice the difference immediately.
Your body tenses up and your instinct can feel 440hz is unnatural.

This third clip is a combination of both tunings.
It starts with one bar of 432hertz and then one bar of 440 hertz.
It does this twice and the last measure ends in 432hz

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Can you feel how you are subconsiously responding to this track?
432 relaxes you then 440 tenses you up and 432 brings you back into harmony.

Many people from all walks of life have described similar perceptions over their individual experience of the two pitches.
440hz concert pitch is centered in the mind whereas 432hz concert pitch is centered in the heart.
Some people who are not able to distinguish the 8hz difference, claim they can feel 432hz warmer due to the longer wavelength.
In either case, all agree that there are positive results in the listening experience at 432hz. I have observed extremely agitated individuals physically relax their breath and bodies at the instant 432hz is presented to them.
A colleague who has very large energetic dogs, has attested to the relaxing effect this music pitch has on his pets wellness, and plays The frequency of Light CD often.

Using 432hz for the harmonic concept™

Within the Harmonic Concept™ the natural sacred breath of tone is used for Tuning Consciousness™
Using the OM power of mantras, you can vibrate and meditate along the wavelength of natural tuning to achieve a daily balance of consciousness.
The second is worked into the 432hz equation so 60 seconds multipied by 7.2 minutes gives 432,000 milliseconds, a perfect harmonic octave of light in time-space.

Here is the 432hz Tuning Tone

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Start by closing your eyes, and imagine in the darkness, a beam of brilliant white light shining down on you from above.

Breathe in the white light though the mouth and chant "Om" on the outbreath throught the nose.
Try to match the 432 pitch you are hearing.
Feel the sensation of the vibrations resonating your sinus and nasal cavities.
Picture the light flooding out of your OM breath and traveling up through your sinus and activating your third eye.
Then picture this white light flowing out your third eye and imagine it revealing a serene landscape of your choice.
Stay there for the remainder of the first excersise.
Repeat this excercise three times a day once in the morning, once in the afternoon and once in the evening before sleep.
each time alternate between the Om breaths "In the mouth, out the nose" and on the next pattern "In the nose, out the mouth".

As you get more vivid in your inner vision try to make simple objects appear and take shape from the white light cascading out of your third eye.
whe you master this, then try to picture the life you want to unfold around you and shape it from the white light flowing out of your third eye like a lighthouse.


When did Concert pitch change?

Most music worldwide has been tuned to 440 hertz since the International Standards Organization (ISO) endorsed it in 1953, following the prior recommendations of the Nazi party spoksman, Joseph Goebbels in 1939.
Suffice to say, I will not waste good energy down the rabbit hole of conspiracy to expose another Illuminatti agenda, however I will quickly state that there was an organised effort to change Concert pitch to 440hz well back at the start of the last century to codify a New World Order of central pitch.

440hz was pushed by J. C. Deagan, A US NAVY man and disciple of the acoustics physicist Hermann Helmholtz, who published "the Sensations of Tone as a Physiological Basis for the Theory of Music" (1862).
In 1910 J. C. Deagan persuaded the American Federation of Musicians, at its annual convention, to adopt A=440 as the standard universal pitch for orchestras and bands.
Deagan was well connected in many elite society circles and was a charter member of the American Federation of Musicians, a member of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, American Physical Society, American Acoustical Society and a member of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific.
He was deeply interested in astronomy, geology, chemistry, and all branches of physics, particularly the theories of light and sound and he was considered an authority on pitch and acoustics.
Deagan designed the 440hz Wartime chime that was used for propaganda news reals in world war two and it is still used everyday as the call sign of the NBC chimes.
Despite the petitions of over twenty thousand musicians in france, The ISO codified concert pitch globally by 1955.

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